Landlord Fees

All fees are Inclusive of VAT

Tenancy Set Up £420.00
Lease Set Up £600.00
Monthly Management 10% of monthly rent plus VAT  (minimum of £58.80 incl.VAT)
Monthly Management – HMO 10% of monthly rent plus VAT (minimum of £39.00 incl.VAT)
Tenancy Set Up – HMO £120.00
Energy Performance Certificate £84.00
Gas Certificate £72.00
Gas Certificate and service £118.80
Electrical Installation Condition Report £192.00
Portable Electrical Appliance Safety Test £64.80
Mandatory Property Clean (between lettings) £25.00 per hour
Rent Guarantee Policy POA
Tenancy Renewal £90.00
Lease Renewal £360.00
Section 13 Rent Increase £90.00
BRH Maintenance and Repair £54.00 per hour
BRH Maintenance and Repair (Out of hours) POA
Legionella Risk Assessment POA
Asbestos Survey POA
Key Cutting POA
Press Advertising POA
Licence Application Service £150.00
Self Let £474.00
Inspection/Inventory £84.00
Vacant Property Check £30.00 per visit
Admin Fee (For any agreed works outside the contract) £30.00 per hour
Valuation / Surveyor / Court Attendance £48.00 per visit
Mandatory Cleaning of communal areas £25.00 per hour
Fire Risk Assessment POA
Fire Alarm Service including any emergency lighting (6 Monthly) £216.00
Emergency Lighting £72.00
Fire Extinguisher Installation POA
Fire Blanket POA
Installation of fire notice (minimum charge of £20 for 5 notices) £20.00 for up to 5 notices (£4.80 incl. VAT per additional notice)
Servicing of fire equipment 12 Monthly POA
Fire extinguisher overhaul 5 yearly POA