Landlords, reclaim your time and energy with the help of our dedicated lettings and property management expert…
We provide everything you need to maximise the return on your investment so you can take a step back, knowing your asset is working for you – not the other way around.
Whether you’re looking for comprehensive full property management, want to secure high-quality, long-term tenants or are looking for your next investment property, we’re here to advise and guide you.
As industry experts with exceptional knowledge of the Yorkshire region, we know exactly how to connect the right tenants with the right landlords so both of you can feel secure and supported throughout the tenancy.
At BRH, we understand that happy tenants equal happy landlords and consider ourselves experts in managing that relationship to ensure long-term stable tenancies.
We’re proud to have built a network of satisfied Landlords, who are confident in our ability to manage their properties and who also come to us for advice on future investment opportunities.
Whether you want to self-let and just want a little help finding the right tenant or want to generate income without getting hands-on, we’ve got the ideal service for you.
Let your property with the comfort and confidence of knowing everything is handled for you. If you want to focus your time on growing your property business with the comfort of knowing that the management of your investment is in the hands of industry experts that fully understand the complexity of all the relevant legislation, then the BRH Property Management Service is for you.
BRH is a property management company that specialises in the letting of residential properties to both the private rented sector and housing associations. Registered with the Property Ombudsman and ARLA and with full client money protection in place, you can be assured of the highest standards. Over the last 5 years we have developed a range of ‘guaranteed rent’ and long term lease options that give our clients far greater options when it comes to securing the most profitable letting arrangements for their investment properties.
We’ll market your property to interested tenants across multiple platforms including our own database. We’ll find you the right tenant and get them moved in. Leave the references, paperwork and check in inventory to us.
Need legal advice? Our legal partners can tackle issues like evictions or debt recovery.
Growing your property portfolio? We know what a profitable investment looks like and will help you make the right choice. We can even find the property for you.
If you think you’re not getting the service you deserve from your current property management agent, it’s easy to switch to our market-leading management service instead.
All fees are Inclusive of VAT
Tenancy Set Up | £420.00 |
Lease Set Up | £600.00 |
Monthly Management | 10% of monthly rent plus VAT (minimum of £58.80 incl. VAT) |
Monthly Management – HMO | 10% of monthly rent plus VAT (minimum of £58.80 incl. VAT) |
Tenancy Set Up – HMO | £120.00 |
Energy Performance Certificate | £84.00 |
Gas Certificate | £72.00 |
Gas Certificate and service | £118.80 |
Electrical Installation Condition Report | £192.00 |
Portable Electrical Appliance Safety Test | £64.80 |
Mandatory Property Clean (Between Lettings) | £21.00 per hour |
Rent Guarantee Policy | POA |
Tenancy Renewal | £90.00 |
Lease Renewal | £360.00 |
Section 13 Rent Increase | £90.00 |
BRH Maintenance and Repair | £54.00 per hour |
BRH Maintenance and Repair (Out of Hours) | POA |
Legionella Risk Assessment | £126.00 |
Asbestos Survey | £174.00 |
Key Cutting | £10.00 per key |
Press Advertising | POA |
Licence Application Service | £150.00 |
Self Let | £474.00 |
Inspection/Inventory | £84.00 |
Vacant Property Check | £30.00 per visit |
Admin Fee (For Any Agreed Works Outside the Contract) | £30.00 per hour |
Valuation & Surveyor Appointments | £48.00 per visit |
Mandatory Cleaning of Communal Areas | POA |
Fire Risk Assessment | POA |
Fire Alarm Service incl. Emergency Lighting (6 Monthly) | £180.00 |
Emergency Lighting | £72.00 |
Fire Extinguisher Installation | £36.00 |
Fire Blanket | £30.00 |
Installation of fire notice (Minimum Charge of £20 for 5 Notices) | £20.00 for up to 5 notices (£4.80 incl. VAT per additional notice) |
Servicing of Fire Equipment – 12 Monthly | £24.00 for first and £10.80 per additional extinguisher |
Fire Extinguisher Overhaul – 5 Yearly | £24.00 per extinguisher |
At BRH, we understand the demands of being an investor. You juggle opportunities, plan strategically, and ultimately desire results.
That’s why we recommend leaving it to our experts with our comprehensive Full Management service, designed to maximise your returns and minimise headaches.
Here’s everything you can expect:
As you can see, when you invest in BRH’s full property management service, the only thing you need to think about is where you want to invest the profit.